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Find here the reviews and rankings of the top 10 best web hosting companies for small business in the world. These are web hosting companies trusted by many webmasters due to their reliability and affordability. These are hosting providers that offer unlimited bandwidth and web space, 24/7 excellent technical support and offer 99.9% uptime. You can use any of this web hosting service to host your wordpress blog, personal website, business website such as your ecommerce website as they offer lots of web hosting features. The top 10 best web hosting companies for small business in the world are: 1.Ipage ipage is the first on the list of the top 10 best web hosting companies for small business in the world. This is a company that was created in 1998 and is currently hosting more than 1 Million websites. If you want to host your blog, personal, business or eCommerce website then ipage is the perfect choice. Some of the hosting features provided by ipage are:Unlimited web space -Unlimited bandwidth -Host unlimited domains in ome account -Unlimited MYSQL databases -Email addresses provided -eCommerce features provided -Support for WordPress, PixelPost, b2evolution -Support for PHP 5/ Perl 5 -24/7 phone, email and live chat support -Price per Month : $2.25 Visit to see the complete list of the 10 best web hosting sites

Best Web Hosting Sites